Thursday 8 September 2011


Are you a fan of Quentin Tarantino?

Yes                      No             

If yes, what is it about his productions that you enjoy?

If no what is it about him they you do not enjoy?

Do you prefer British (Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels) or American (The Godfather) ‘Gangster movies’?

American                     British

What conventions do you enjoy of these styles of film?

What conventions would you like to see added or taken away?

Do you enjoy short films?

Yes                          No

What would you say is a good length for a short film?

1-3 minutes                4-6 minutes                7-9 minutes            
10 minutes or over

If you do not enjoy short films, what is it about them that gives you this opinion?

 please leave responses in the form of comments (:


  1. 1. not really
    2. -
    3. I don't really watch his genre of film.
    4. British
    5.The.. general... British...ness?
    6.More... British...ness?
    7.Yes, yes I do.
    8.4-6 minutes
    9. -

  2. 1. Yes
    2. The scripts, and the storyline - I like that they are violent, but it's more about the characters and their motivations/feelings. I also like how things seem to go wrong a lot.
    4. British, usually.
    5. I like the twisting plots, you never really know who's double-crossing who until the very end - sometimes you're still not sure.
    6. More action - there's always room for another car chase!
    7. Yes.
    8. 4-6 mins.
    9. -

    Good questionnaire, although in syllabus it says 5mins for film, so Q8 is a bit irrelevant. You need to get cracking with the presentation of your results and an analysis of how audience research will affect your planning.
