Friday 16 September 2011

Ideas and Aspirations for my Short Film

We've been talking about this new project for a while and i think I'm finally starting to have some solid ideas on how I want this to pan out. I'm thinking a mixture of Pulp Fiction and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

This will include men in suits (with English accents apposed to the classic New York/overall American accents in usual Tarantino films) and possibly masks. The masks will make sure my movie isn't too generic and will disguise the fact that i will obviously be using young actors thus making my short film more realistic.
                                                 Like this but maybe with masks...
In true Tarantino fashion my short film will be nonlinear, it will also feature a soundtrack that I will be composing of music common of Tarantino films (60's era music basically) that will back up the likeness that i will hopefully be creating.

The likeness of British gangster movies will be that my actors as mentioned before will have British accents and their characters will be working for hire rather than having a set boss like American gangster movies usually have. It will also obviously be set in England.

I will also be using Tarantinoesque camera techniques, for example when Joe is shot multiple times by my other actors the camera will pan to the left and close up on the shooters face rather than show Joe being shot. This is also used in Reservoir Dogs when Mr. Blonde cuts off the undercover cop's ear and in Pulp Fiction when Jules and Vince shoot the man who Marsellus Wallace hired them to kill.  
Like this but with a white teenager...
I will also be utilising the same snappy and interesting dialogue from both Tarentino and Guy Richie films. This kind of dialogue is the driving point for both of these film styles so getting this right will be the biggest challenge of my film making process.

Due to the creative use of camera angles and shots I will not be needing any sort of blood pack this time. Therefore I can use the budget for things such as gun props and masks. This will allow my film to look better on a whole rather than one creative prop like last year. This will improve the overall success of my short film and hopefully help me to meet my target set by this years exam of having a better project than last year.

In conclusion. My ideas for this year are alot more creative and therefore will probably be more sucessful even if they will be harder to flesh out. A gangster themed short film is unconventional but I like it, it will probably make my head explode by the end but I think I can handle it. In the next post I will be going through a general plot synopsys.
                                                             Like this but me.....

1 comment:

  1. Good, clear ideas. You've discussed what you intend to do, thought about why and located your ideas in specific genres/sub genres.

    You've shown you have a solid grasp of key media terms. Moreover, your idea is v. interesting and has a lot of promise. I'm looking forward to this one!
