Tuesday 20 September 2011

First Plot/Content Ideas

This is a first draft so the ideas I will be expressing may not be final, some or all of these ideas may not be used in my short film but while these ideas are swimming around in my head I feel it would be a better idea to get them down on virtual paper.

My short film will begin with a lady (Lyndsay) being mugged by a 3 people in a snicket. They will leave and Lyndsay will run away

It will then cut to a title shot which will then cut to two unnamed Hitmen in masks walking down a road to a target house. They will be engaged in clever, snappy dialogue. This will be a reference to the beginning of the main plot in Pulp Fiction where Jules and Vincent are in a car talking about Vincent's trip to Amsterdam before they hit the apartment.

They will then proceed to enter the target house where they will proceed to tie their target (Joe) to a chair and shout some things at him before repeatedly shooting him. The main shooter will then light a cigarette and they will both leave.
                                                                This general idea...

It will then cut to a transition page, which will then cut to the two Hitmen being given the assignment by an angry lady (Lyndsay) who wants rid of someone who she owes money to. The Hitmen will negotiate finance briefly and then accept and leave.

It will then cut to another transition page and another shot of the two Hitmen walking into the same snicket after their job. They will be confronted by the other two muggers. They will all pull guns on eachother and then the film will end. This will be a cliff hanger that i wanted to achive due to the ending of Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels. It will also be a reference to the way Pulp Fiction ends, with the first scene also being the end scene in a way.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea - you've clearly thought your way around the non-linear narrative.

    We're going to have to see a script with this clever, snappy dialogue soon, you know!
