Tuesday 4 October 2011

Plot Adaptations

Ok so I'm human, I eventually slip up and change my mind. I've had some ideas about the plot and I wanted to change them. So here goes.

The two aforementioned Hitmen are walking and talking and eventually enter a snicket. This then cuts to a short credit roll which ends in a transition shot with a title card on it. The Hitmen are then seen to enter a house and the shooting ensures. The Hitmen light a cigarette and leave.

This then cuts to another title card/ transition page. The Hitmen are then given their assignment by the angry women (Lyndsay) and leave.

Cue a final title card/ transition page and the camera cuts to inside the snicket where the Hitmen had entered in one long Match on Action shot. The Hitmen encounter someone being mugged and opt to help, pulling guns on the muggers. There is one final shot of the muggers and the Hitmen stood pointing guns at eatch other from a low angle shot and the film ends.

This new ending does 3 things that i want to achieve:
  1. It shows the Hitmen as good people that kill for good not just money. This would break the typical movie stereotype as Hitmen being the antagonist and shows them as a sort of Anti-Hero. This also happens to Vinnie Jones' character in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels which would show that this film has influenced my short film.
  2. It would tie the begining and ending of my film together making them seem like they flow into each other. This is also how Pulp Fiction is ended which would also imply that my film was influenced by Pulp Fiction and Tarantino.
  3. It would give my short film a cliffhanger ending which is how Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and is a quite common ending for films of this genre (one could argue that Reservoir Dogs ends this way) therefore I would have tied all the films that I am influenced by together.
I belive that this new plot will strengthen the success of my short film and make the watching of it more interesting as my plot before wasn't really well rounded. The new ending will also fully ensure the homages that i am trying to achive will be met.

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