Tuesday 13 December 2011

Poster Plans

After much consolidation i have designed a couple of poster ideas in draft form:

This design is quite similar to the promotional poster for Pulp Fiction, which would mean that using this design would highlight that Pulp Fiction was my main inspiration for this project. It would also be aesthetically pleasing to fans of that film which will attract the target audience for my production, which is important as my project has a pretty niche audience.

This poster is more in the visual style of Reservoir Dogs. This design will be more asethetically pleasing as the visual style is more interesting and more likely to attract an audience. The film also closely resembles the promotional poster for Pulp Fiction and the main advertisement poster for Reservoir Dogs so combining these visual and stylistic ideas my poster will attract fans of both these films and my niche audience and be aesthetically and visually pleasing to viewers who arn't fans of Tarantino.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Review Plan

For my other auxiliary task I have chosen to do a magazine review. This is the draft for my review. I chose to lay it out this way because it looks authentic and is general to the conventions of most film magazines such as Empire:

This style will make my article seem believable and authentic and therefore more professional looking. This things combined will make my auxiliary task successful.