Tuesday 29 November 2011

Film Poster Research

For one of my auxiliary tasks I have chosen to produce a poster advertising my short film. In preparation for this I will be researching film posters for Tarantino films as my short film will be in the same style of these and I would like my posters to reflect this. I will also be researching gangster film posters as my short film will reflect this genre.

Here are some of the ideas I had for style models.
This style of poster would reflect that Pulp Fiction was the main inspiration for my short film. It would also showcase the two actors i will be using for my production in the same way this this poster has. However in the case of this poster it shows that there is two A list Hollywood actors involved in the production which would've been a large selling point for the film. However my actors will obviously be anonymous to the public at large.

This poster would also showcase my actors but would have the advantage of having a brash and interesting visual style that would showcase the unconventionality of my production. Though this poster looks more visually appealing the simplicity and edginess of the other one is more attractive to me.

This poster is similar to the style of the poster for Reservoir Dogs, however it is for a British film so it ties more into my short film as my short film is also a British movie.
I will be incorporating all of these styles in my own production which combined I hope will produce a blend of both British and American advertising to reflect the merging of the genre's of my short film.

Friday 18 November 2011

Plans for this week...

Got a camera today... baby steps. Gonna be taking some photos over the weekend for my auxillery tasks and maybe do some sample videos to see how things look before i put the big cameras to the task. Storyboard should be coming up soon now i've finally got a plot down.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Bloody Dialogue...

So I'm trying to write a screenplay. Only problem is I'm having major writers block. I haven't wrote dialogue, ever , so thinking of clever and Witty things for people to say is becoming a challenge. I will get round to it, and i promise it will be the best dialogue you've ever heard, think i might have to talk to the actors about it, its just...urgh...